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Calendula Flower Essence {Love, Luck, Joy and Abundance}

Calendula is a joyous flower filled with the playful energy of the sun. That being said, this plants reliance on the warm rays of the sun runs deep. It is very sun-dependent. As soon as the caressing rays disappear, the bloom closes for the evening. To me this can be translated as protective defenses towards vulnerability and fragility in terms of love.


If you are the kind of person who fears love, vulnerability and the mysteries of the darkness, you share these qualities with calendula. We can thus take the essence of calendula blooms to quell these concerns. Allowing us to bloom more freely within our lives. it is a reminder that the sun always returns to us, even in times of darkness. We can and should form necessary boundaries but never should we close oursleves unnecessarily out of fear. The calendula essence is a quiet guide to help us understand or recognize our fears around taking steps forward in our intimate relationships.


As we culivate our ability to be more vulnerable and love more freely, we welcome other forms of love into our lives as well... abundance, luck, and joy.  


Overall, this Flower Essence is indicated if you are struggling to form personal relationships, develop deeper intimacy, wishing to overcome the fear of being seen as weak or vulnerable, feeling unworthy of abundance, feeling generally unlucky, experiencing sexual anxiety or desiring more joy in your life. 


Ingredients: Organic apple cider vinegar, Calendula {Calendula officinalis}, Everclear and pure, filtered water


Includes a 0.5 oz stock bottle of Calendula Flower Essence


Sustainably Grown & Produced by The Health Habit LLC

Calendula Flower Essence {Love, Luck, Joy and Abundance}


    More PRoduct Details:

    • The plants in all my remedies are either grown or wild-crafted by me or purchased from organic herbalists.

    • All formulations are safe and generally supportive.

    • Packaging is reusable and made from food grade kraft paper + plastic, stainless steel or glass.

    what if i need extra support?

    If you have any questions, concerns or need additional guidance please do not hesitate to reach out! You can email me at, text me at (585)905-9276 or submit the form below. Be sure to provide context such as your name, what product you are taking/considering, how long you have been taking it, the dose & frequency you have been taking it and any other pertinent details. You can also consider joining my email newsletter to get some extra health related information, inspiration and to stay up to date on cool opportunities.


    (585) 905-9276


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    Our mission:

    My brands mission is to help women create sustainable habits that allow them to live fuller, healthier, more connected lives. If I were to state my mission even more broadly... I am working to develop a world that fosters healing and lives in union with nature. I aim to create conversations about safe, generally supportive ways to feel better. And I genuinely want to help people achieve their goals and build their dream lives. The 3 words the health habit lives by are whole-being, free and clear. Each product I create is meant to uphold those things by supporting whole-being wellness, fostering freedom and empowerment and giving you clarity as to why you are doing what you’re doing.

    A little bit about me:

    After getting my bachelor's degree in nutrition and dietetics I dedicated 2.5 years and over 1000 hours of study to becoming an herbalist. I then spent an additionally year studying to become a Nutrition Therapy Practitioner which allowed me to take a practical and holistic turn with all my wellness knowledge. I have been passionate about health since my young teens and continue to embrace this passion to this day. In my spare time, you are likely to catch me reading a science novel, hiking, practicing yoga + meditation, lifting, gardening or singing. The Health Habit is run exclusively by me so if you are interested in connecting shoot me a message anytime!


    When I run out of this tea, I feel the difference in my body and I break out more often.

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