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Flowers and Freedom Salve {All-Purpose Blend}

The Flowers and Freedom Salve is about honoring the bounty right outside our front doors. These simple blends are hand-crafted from locally wildcrafted plants as well as a few home-grown loves of mine. Each batch is designed as an all-purpose moisturizer for the lips, body or face. 


The plants selected for this product line are soothing, anti-inflammatory and topically used to support and heal the skin barrier.


May each use of this gentle remedy be a reminder to reclaim your freedom and stay grounded in the wild, beauty of nature 


Ingredients: {Olive oil and/or Grapeseed oil}, {Purple Dead Nettle or Tulsi} and Beeswax 


To work with this remedy: Apply a small amount & massage anywhere on the body for extra skin nourishment. Use it as a lip balm or special moisturizing skin treat after bathing. 


Includes a 2oz (57g) Herbal Salve within a steel tin container~ Grown or Wild-Crafted by The Health Habit LLC

Flowers and Freedom Salve {All-Purpose Blend}



    Exceptional quality and perfect consistency. This is the absolute best salve I have found in the US. So soothing on my cracked, dry skin. It was healed after just 3 days!

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