This tea blend is a nutrient-packed remedy to help support hormone balance, provide liver support and promote healthy skin.
Ingredients: Dandelion {Taraxacum officinale}, Chickweed {Stellaria media}, Raspberry leaf {Rubus sp.), Red clover {Trifolium pratense} OR Alfalfa {Medicago sativa} and Ginger {Zingiber officinale}
*Ingredient proportions vary*
To use combine 1 teaspoon - 1 tablespoon of herb to boiling water. Allow the tea to steep 5-10 minutes before drinking ~ Feel free to leave the tea bag in while you sip; this blend does not over-steep.
Includes a 1.5oz (44g) bag of Dried + Cut Herbs Sustainablly Grown and/or Produced by The Health Habit LLC
Hormone Balancing Blend {For Liver and Reproductive System Support}